The Adikavi, the Poet of Poets, of India, who gave the world the immortal epic, the 'Ramayana'. He came under the spell of Maharshi Narada and became a 'Brahmarshi' . He not only sang the matchless greatness of Sri Rama, but gave shelter to his wife Seeta, and taught the epic to Sri Rama's sons.
"Most revered
world famous
poet Maharshi
Valmiki was
the author of
the first creator
in Indian
literature, in
Sanskrit particularly.
epic he wrote
was widely
acclaimed and
accepted in
the world."
Maharshi Valmiki had after learning the descriptions of a model human being decided to create such poetry. He himself was a great saint. He wanted to enrich the society with the blessings of Narada so that his devotion of many years bore fruits. When Narada told him that a model person, enriched with all the qualities and committed for the welfare of the human being is within them, saint Valmiki decided to write a book describing the model person.
Maharshi Valmiki was going to the river Ganga for his daily ablutions. A disciple by the name Bharadwaja was carrying his clothes. On the way, they came across the Tamsa stream. Looking at the stream, Maharshi Valmiki said to his disciple, "Look, how clear is this water, like the mind of a good man! I will bathe here today." When he was looking for a suitable place to step into the stream, he heard the sweet chirping of birds. Looking up, he saw two birds flying together. Maharshi Valmiki felt very pleased on seeing the happy bird couple. Suddenly, one of the birds fell down, hit by an arrow; it was the male bird. Seeing the wounded one, its mate screamed in agony. Maharshi Valmiki's heart melted at this pitiful sight. He looked around to find out who had shot the bird. He saw a hunter with a bow and arrows, nearby. Maharshi Valmiki became very angry. His lips opened and he uttered the following words:
"ma nisada pratisthha tvamagamah ???vat?h samah yat krauñ camithun?dekam avadh?h k?mamohita"
Means you will find no rest for the long years of eternity for you killed a bird in live and unsuspecting.
Emerging spontaneously from his rage and grief, this was the first ?loka in Sanskrit literature. Later maharshi Valmiki composed the entire Ramayana with the blessings of Lord Brahma in the same meter that issued forth from him as the ?loka. Thus this ?loka is revered as the "first ?loka" in Hindu literature. Maharshi Valmiki is revered as the first poet, or Adi Kavi, and the Ramayana, the first Kavya. His first disciples to whom he taught the Ramayana were Kusha and Lava, the sons of Rama.
Though after cursing the person, he was
pained. He thought why I could not keep
control on myself and gave curse to the
nishad. He wrote Kimidam vyahatam
maya (What I have done).
But then, he consoled himself saying
that this inner voice would ultimately
help in writing the book. He could
understand that the inner sentiments to
write the book would now reflect in the
book, which he would write. The time
has come to realize the dream.
He was assured that the goddess of literature
would herself help him in writing
the epic so that he could present his sentiments
in the easy manner. Thus his dream to make the model person as the
hero of his book realized.
It is remarkable that Sri Rama himself
listened to the story of the Ramayana'
and was pleased. Lava and Kusha sang
the story before Rama very sweetly;
Rama did not know that they were own
sons! Valmiki's Ramayana is in the
Sanskrit language. It is a very beautiful
poem. long poem narrating the story of a
very great hero is called an epic.
Valmiki's 'Ramayana' is the very first
such poem in Sanskrit. Therefore, it is
also called the 'Adikavya' or -the First
Poem; Valmiki is also known as the
'Adikavi', which means the First Poet.
Valmiki's 'Ramayana' can be sung. It is
delightful to the ear like the sound of the
cuckoo. Valmiki has been described as a
cuckoo on the tree of poetry, singing
sweetly. Those who read the 'Ramayana'
bow to the great Valmiki first and then
turn to the epic.
But it is unfortunate that despite making
such huge efforts, not much has been
written about Maharshi Valmiki.
Maharshi himself did not say much
about himself in any of the books and
hence no description is found regarding
his life. Some persons claim that at that
time three-four Valmikis were famous
and known. It is still not known who
was the actual maharshi Valmiki.
Even different versions come during life
time of Maharshi Valmiki and the period
of Ramayana. Many times the issue has
been discussed. Dr H Jakobi opined that
Maharshi Valmiki was born before
Gautam Buddha. W Skegal says that he
was born in pre-christ era while GT
Wheeler and A Beber claim that he was
born after Jesus Christ. The archeology
department of India had excavated
Ayodhya, Nandigram and other related
places, which proves that all the places
were inter-related. Lokmanya Tilak and
other Indian historians said that
Maharshi Valmiki was born much earlier
than the claims of the western historians.
But whatever is the fact, but it can not be
denied that with the creation of Ramanaya, he earned the place of an all
time respected and acclaimed poet. He
crossed all the barriers. Ashwaghosh,
born in pre-christ era in his book
Buddhcharit wrote while praising
Ramayana and said `Balmikisdo cha
sajarja padam, jagranth yanna chvano
maharshi`. This proves that maharshi
was in before Christ era and also that he
had earned much praises among the fellow
Thus, the popularity of Ramayana
would continue till mountains would
exist or river would flow on the universe.
Yavat Sthasayanti Visya Saritscha
Tadat Ramayana Katha Lokeshu Pracharishyati.
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