'We are really upbeat and celebrating the 100 percent success for the third consecutive year as all 30 students have cracked the IIT-JEE this year,' Anand Kumar, the institute's director-cum-founder, told IANS.
Super 30 that helps the economically backward students crack the IIT-JEE has been selected by The Time Magazine in the list of The Best of Asia 2010.
The magazine, in its latest issue, said that every year, about 230,000 students take the exam for a seat in the IITs but only 5,000 grab it.
'Last year, 30 of them came from one coaching centre in Patna, capital of the impoverished north Indian state of Bihar.
That may not seem like many, but for the Super 30 centre it's a pass rate of 100 percent,' it said.
Mohammad Sadab Azam, a student of Super 30, said: 'Thanks to Super 30, I cracked the IIT-JEE. Everyone is in a celebratory mood.
We are happy.'
Azam, whose father works as a labourer in a village in Gaya district, said that he had never dreamt of cracking the prestigious exam.
'It was all because of Super 30,' he said.
Anup Kumar, another Super 30 student, said the facilities and encouragement from the faculty made it possible for him to crack the tough exam.
The institute selects talented students from poor families and provides them with free coaching, food and accommodation.
According to Anand, 'Hard work, proper guidance and supervision are the secrets of our success.
'We were sure that the results would be positive as we teach them to eat, sleep, walk and talk only IIT,' he said.