Money is an essential part of the life and it really
helps in attaining many objects. Youth,
male, female every person comes out of the house to earn
When the parents send the children to the school,
they had in their mind that after education he would
become capable and then earn something to lead peaceful
life. The daily needs could not be fulfilled without
Even a person thinks to help some poor person, it
is possible only with the help of money. Even the attitude
of the society changes, when it sees a person without
money. They start neglecting and even commit atrocities
on him. Thus if a person had enough money he would
not tolerate excesses of others.
But the natural question arises that whether only those
people are happy who have money? The availability of
money may or may not be the cause of happiness but the
lack of money is for sure cause of worry. But still keep in
mind that there is little relationship between success and
property. It is totally false that a person having property
and assets is successful.
A person might get property after the death of his father.
So can we say that the person is successful? Another
human being earns lots of money by illegal means, does
that person is also successful? Yet another person wins
lottery of worth Rs 7 lakh. Now he has a few lakhs in his
pocket but would he be considered successful?
Money, peace, luxury and success are for the persons,
who work hard and earn livelihood. There is a saying in
the Indian rural sector as you eat the food, as your soul
and mind thinks. To consume meal of a person who has
earned lot of money by illegal means pollute thoughts.
And after the brain gets polluted, you would also start
thinking in the same direction and thus become unhappy.
Now the reason is clear. Most of the persons don't
dependent on their original earning but make other illegal
efforts for extra income. Thus, this extra earning pollutes
the life of the human being and makes him unhappy. The
persons who spend their life solely on real earning and
salary, sense of fear, diseases, and sorrow do not come to
them. This always leads to peaceful and happy life.
If in the life, a person earns money legitimately then a
person would lead successful and happy life.
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