KBC 2024 - Kaun Banega Crorepati starting from 12th of August 2024

KBC 2024 - Kaun Banega Crorepati starting from 12th of August 2024In year 2024, KBC is going to start from 12th of August and this time the show is going to be very special and for each and every episodes we are going to have complete information and news and questions of the show along with contestant information. Kindly stay tunes for KBCLIV news on sonyliv and here on scholars club blog.

LIC IPO Allotment Status - Check online Direct links from BSE INDIA and KFin Tech

 LIC First IPO Share allotmentThe Allotment of shares are likely to be on 12th May, 2022, but you can check the status online right now.Bidders are advised to check LIC IPO allotment status online buy logging in at BSE Website or at the official website of its registrar KFin Technologies Limited. Here are the Links:bseindia.com/investors/appli_check.aspxris.kfintech.com/ipostatus/ipos.aspx

UPI 123 Pay Service by RBI - UPI for feature phone - Send money without Internet

यूपीआई 123 पे service by RBIभारतीय रिजर्व बैंक की ओर से ‘यूपीआई 123 पे’ सेवा की शुरुआत करने से देश के करीब 40 करोड़ फीचर फोन उपयोगकर्ता डिजिटल भुगतान प्रणाली से जुड़ जाएंगे। यह फीचर फोन उपयोगकर्ता बिना इंटरनेट और बिना स्कैन डिजिटल भुगतान कर सकेंगे।डिप्टी गवर्नर टी रविशंकर का कहना है कि इस समय फीचर फोन उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए यूपीआई सेवाएं यूएसएसडी के आधार पर उपलब्ध हैं। लेकिन यह काफी बोझिल है और सभी मोबाइल ���रिचालक ऐसी सेवाओं की अनुमति नहीं देते हैं। फीचर फोन उपयोगकर्ता अब चार तकनीकी विकल्पों के आधार पर कई तरह के लेनदेन कर सकते हैं। इनमें आईवीआर (इंटरैक्टिव वॉयस रिस्पॉन्स) नंबर पर कॉल करना, फीचर

Get PPO number using Bank Account Number or PF Number in EPFO Website


Ques : What was the title of the thesis that Dr B R Ambedkar submitted to the London School of Economics for which he was awarded his doctorate in 1923?

Ques : What was the title of the thesis that Dr B R Ambedkar submitted to the London School of Economics for which he was awarded his doctorate in 1923?A. The wants and Means of IndiaB. The Problem of the RupeeC. National Dividend of IndiaD. The Law and LawyersAns  : B. The Problem of the Rupee

Ques : Which of these was an alias used by Noor Inayat Khan to work as a spy for Britain in France during the second world war?

1 Crore from Himani - KBC Contestant Season 13Ques : Which of these was an alias used by Noor Inayat Khan to work as a spy for Britain in France during the second world war?A. Vera AtkinsB. Krystyna SkarbekC. Julienne AisnerD. Jeanne- Marie RenierAns : D. Jeanne- Marie Renier

Income Tax New e-Filing Portal www.incometax.gov.in - launch on June 7th

 New e-Filing Portal www.incometax.gov.inlaunch on June 7th - existing e-filing portal unavailable from June 1st to June 6th, 2021 - Plan your work accordingly

Gold Exchange SEBI - Detailed Description about its Trading, Value and Exchange

Indian Gold Exchange MarketNEW GOLD EXCHANGE PROPOSED BY SEBIIt will transform the way GOLD is TRADEDWhat's the process of Gold Exchange? Physical Gold to be converted to EGR - Electronic Gold Receipt. Depositories will inform exchange about EGRsClearing corporations will settle the tradesEGR will be converted to physical GoldBuyers will get it by tendering EGR.WHY this GOLD EXCHANGE :TO TRASNFORM INDIA INTO A CONTROLLING POWER OF GOLD PRICE AND TRACK GOLD IN INDIA.1. क्या है गोल्ड एक्सचेंज ?गोल्ड एक्सचेंज सेबी का नया प्रपोजल है जिसमे देश में होने वाले गोल्ड ट्रांसक्शन को एक एक

Ques : To commemorate whose birth anniversary did the Government of India declare 23 Jaunary as " Parakram Diwas"?

 Here is the 10th May KBC Registration QuestionQues : To commemorate whose birth anniversary did the Government of India declare 23 Jaunary as  " Parakram Diwas"?Options are :A.  Shaheed Bhagat SinghB.   Netaji Subhas Chandra BoseC.  Chandrashekhar azadD.   Mangal Pandey Ans ; B.   Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

KBC 13 Registration Date - starting from 10th May on Sonyliv

 Kaun Banega Crorepati Registration starting2021 Season 13Recently the sonyliv has announced that the KBC Registration will be in 2021 and will start from 10th May. Here are few pictures on that.

Hai taiyyar hum coming soon Hoarding kya hai

 Hai taiyyar HumPosters of Hai Taiyaar Hum can be witnessed all around the different city of India. The Poster is having Red Background. These Posters at the time of writing this post can been seen for long 1 month. As per my idea the Posters may refers to any Media Campaign of News Paper Company. Well, can noting say it confirm. Let it reveal it together.  Here are some pictures across the city picked from you all.

300 kmph BMW’s Batman Electric Powered Wingsuit

 300 kmph BMW’s Batman Electric Powered WingsuitA normal wingsuit can achieve a speed of 100 kmph, but this one designed by BMW can do three times more at 300 kmphHighlightsPeter Salzmann came up with the original designIt can achieve speeds of up to 300 km/hNon electrified wingsuits can only attain 100 km/h BMW is usually known for its cars and its EV technology which focusses on electric vehicles. But it has also been working on a wingsuit which is literally out of Batman. The electric wingsuit has been in the works for three years which started off as a concept by

NAZIA NASIM is KBC12’s first crorepati - Watch this iconic moment in KBC12 on 11th Nov 9 pm only on Sony TV

NAZIA NASIM is KBC12’s first crorepati - Watch this iconic moment in KBC12 on 11th Nov 9 pm only on Sony TV

Income Tax refunds worth Rs.1.29 Lakh crore issued to over 39 Lakh taxpayers.

 Income Tax refunds worth Rs.1.29 Lakh crore issued to over 39 Lakh taxpayers.CBDT issued refunds of over 1.29 Lakh Crore to more than 39.49 lakh taxpayers between 1st Apr'20 to 3rd Nov'20.Income Tax refunds of Rs. 34,820 crore issued in 37,55,428 cases.Corporate Tax refunds of Rs.94,370 crore issued in 1,93,059 cases.

SBI ATM cash withdrawal rules have changed

 SBI ATM cash withdrawal rules have changedIndia's largest lender State Bank of India (SBI) has already changed its rules related to OTP-based cash withdrawal from ATMs. Effective September 18, SBI announced the extension of time for OTP-based cash withdrawal from ATMs, thus giving the customers a wider window period.


 petition.republicworld.comRED PROBE INTO THE SUSHANT SINGH RAJPUT DEATH CASEWHAT IS THIS PETITION?This is a petition to demand that the investigation into the death of Sushant Singh Rajput be transferred to an independent and impartial organisation for a Supreme Court monitored time bound inquiry. We believe nothing short of this will bring the whole truth out.Join the Republic Media Network Campaign for #CBIForSSR to ensure that the cloud over the circumstances of actor Sushant’s death are removed, that the truth prevails, and that those who have compromised the investigation so far fa

Forbes Corona Guard - Tech to fight COVID - CORONAGUARD

CORONAGUARD DEVICE FOR CORONAA powerful but small device that attacks and disables Coronavirus from infecting people under the Brand name Forbes CORONAGUARD (Powered by SHYCOCAN).It Reduces infectionSalient features:Conceptualised and made in India Attacks, detects, disablesand protects against 99.9% Corona Chemical free, odour free, stain free and no side effectsEasy to install One Device covers 1000 sqm AreaIt gives high energy photons. If COVID Patient sneezes in Room and you are close to it, then you can also protected. No need of Mask.What is Does : Attacks and disabl

BEWARE OF SCREEN SHARING FRAUD - SBI CARD - See how fraud cheats you

BEWARE OF SCREEN SHARING FRAUD - SBI CARDSee how fraudsters use screen sharing App and cheat you. Read the complete information below.

CERT-In guidelines for conducting cybersecurity audits in the pandemic induced disruption

ased on the analysis and discussion with both auditee and auditing organisations ,CERT-In has prepared the guidelines applicable for both auditee and auditing organisations to conduct quality cyber security audits in pandemic situations.GUIDELINES FOR CONDUCTING CYBERSECURITY AUDITS IN THE PANDEMIC INDUCED DISRUPTIONIndian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has created a panel of cybersecurity auditing organizations for conducting cybersecurity audits, including compliance audits, vulnerability assessment and penetration testing of computer systems, networks & appli

List of 59 Mobile Application Banned by Government of India

Government Bans 59 mobile apps which are prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India, defence of India, security of state and public order. The list includes Tik Tok, CamScanner,Share it,We chat.Press Release : Government Bans 59 mobile app which are prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India, defence of India, Security of state and public order.
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