Apple faces a heavy blow to its iPad after Samsung unveiled its own device, rumoured to have half its price.

The iPad has registered a phenomenal success, selling three million units within the first three months of its launch this year, notwithstanding a steep starting price of pound429.
No official prices have yet been announced for Galaxy Tab, however Samsung representatives suggest it could be just pound200.
Both the iPad and the Galaxy Tab connect to the internet for free via Wi-fi hot spots.
Importantly, both can also connect with the web on the go via a mobile phone network, connection for which has to be bought separately, either on monthly contract or a pay as you go basis.
Just as the iPhone redefined the smart phone, triggering a raft of lookalike rivals, so the iPad has established a new market for tablet style computers.
It is being placed in a gap between smartphones and the bulkier net books and lap tops.
The details of the Galaxy Tab were made public by the South Korean company at the IFA technology show in Berlin.
It relies on the hugely popular Android operating system software, which is seriously challenging Apple's own technology.
Historically, Apple devices scored because of their stylish looks, ease of use and, particularly, because of the hundreds of thousands of specialist Aps - applications - that could be bought or downloaded for free.
The Aps, which range from simple maps and navigation to games, shopping services and even heart monitors have converted smartphones into a modern day essential.
Duncan Bell, operations editor at T3 magazine, said: 'With its support for Flash video and cameras front and back - missing from the iPad - and iPad-like easy access to music, book and application stores, the Samsung Galaxy matches or surpasses the iPad in most areas.
'My only reservations are on battery life and screen size.
The camera and Flash video mean it will almost certainly have significantly shorter battery life than the iPad,' he said.
'I also feel Apple got it pretty much bang on with a screen size of 10 inches. The Galaxy's seven inches isn't small as such, but you'll miss that extra space when browsing or watching video.
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